Birding in Central Italy: Tuscia and northern Lazio

  • Upcoming dates On request
  • Duration3 days (2 nights)
  • Sites of interestMignone river valley, Tarquinia saltpans, Tolfa mountains, Torre Flavia coastal wetland
  • Pricefrom
  • Number of participantsMin 1 Max 6
  • Tour leader Andrea Senese

The area between the provinces of Rome and Viterbo holds environments of extraordinary value, both from a landscape and conservation point of view. It is here that during the year more than 100 bird species find refuge, using coastal wetlands, rural ecosystems and mountain massifs as a nesting, wintering or stopover site during migration.

Among the many species that we are going to observe, two prominent species closely related to anthropic constructions, the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), falcon that nests inside a farmland, the B&B Naumanni, a place surrounded by nature from which you can take breathtaking shots, and the European Roller (Coracias garrulus), one of the most colorful representatives of the European birdlife.

Accompanied by an ornithologist, we will explore the Mignone river valley, the Tarquinia saltpans, the Torre Flavia coastal wetland and the Tolfa mountains, three of the most interesting places in Lazio for birdwatching and nature photography, as well as visiting the picturesque scenery that make ancient Tuscia a place of unquestionable charm.

The most recommended period is late spring – early summer. Dates and duration of the tour are fully customizable and it is possible to extend the experience by including the Tuscan Maremma or other locations.

  • Mignone river valley:
    The Mignone is a river that, in its central part, delimits the border between the Tolfa area to the south and the Maremma laziale to the north. The alluvial plain that hosts this stream contains agricultural and natural environments that blend together to form a landscape of extraordinary beauty, very rich from a wildlife point of view.
  • Coastal wetlands:
    The Lazio coast has countless wetlands, sites that each year host thousands of aquatic birds, including nesting, migratory and wintering species. Among these places are the Tarquinia saltpans, the only example in Lazio of this type of coastal environment, whose existence has been attested since the times of the Etruscans and Romans. In addition to birdlife, these environments are home to many species of interest including the Crested Porcupine and the Hermann’s Tortoise. Another site of enormous naturalistic value is the Torre Flavia swamp, which with its reed beds and coastal dunes hosts many species of conservation interest and represents one of the last stronghold for the Kentish Plover and other nesting species.
  • Tolfa mountains:
    Part of the Lazio “Anti-Apennines”, this mountainous massif is actually a complex of hills of volcanic origin, which reach a maximum of 616m above sea level. The woods and countryside that extend into the area are an excellent site for observing birds of prey and rural birdlife.

More than 60 bird species, including: Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Red Kite (Milvus milvus), Black Kite (Milvus migrans), Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus), Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo), European Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola), Slender-billed Gull (Chroicocephalus genei), Audouin’s Gull (Ichthyaetus audouinii), Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius), European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster), European Roller (Coracias garrulus).

For more information about the birdlife in the Lazio region check out our Birding Rome section!

  • Day 1:
    Departure from Rome. Exploration of Torre Flavia coastal wetland. Arrival at Mignone River Valley and accomodation. Birdwatching and visit to Lesser Kestrel nesting colony. Dinner and overnight.
  • Day 2:
    Birdwatching and seawatching at Tarquinia Saltpans. Exploration of the Mignone River Valley. Dinner and overnight.
  • Day 3:
    Birdwatching in rural environment at dawn. Exploration of the Tolfa mountains. Return to Rome.

This schedule is purely indicative and can be modified according to customer needs.

The rate is subject to an ad hoc quote which depends on the number of participants, duration of the tour and activities included.

For more information contact the organizers.

What is included:

  • Overnight stays.
  • Meals (2 breakfasts, 3 packed lunches, 2 dinners – drinks not included).
  • From/to Rome and internal transfers in car pooling, including fuel, tolls and parking (depending on the rate).
  • Scientific accompaniment by zoologist for the duration of the trip, with support material for wildlife observations (binoculars, spotting scope, field guides, etc.).
  • Basic travel insurance.

What’s not included:

  • Everything not mentioned in the previous item.

Information regarding rates, sale conditions and payment methods will be communicated by email after filling in the request form.

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