Birdwatching in the orange zone for the parks of Turin
Interesting observations and rarities between the Colletta Park and the Confluence Park.
Interesting observations and rarities between the Colletta Park and the Confluence Park.
Brief chronicle of a short birdwatching session in front of a mountain of manure.
An interesting observation during our photo trekking in Umbria.
Birdwatching weekend in the pearl of the Pontine Islands, discovering Natural History and rural traditions of Ventotene.
Fishmongers in Naples are “battling” on social networks showing their merchandise with incredibly low prices. This is not sustainable anymore.
Report of the last urban trekking in the Piedmontese city.
Reports of recent hikes in the area of Fionchi mountain.
Birding morning among the last migratory and the first wintering birds.
Report of the last urban birdwatching day trip in Piedmont.
“Hunting” the greatest number of species in the company of K’ Nature zoologists.