Birding Piedmont: discovering Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta
Report of the last tour along the eastern portion of the region bordering Lombardy.
Report of the last tour along the eastern portion of the region bordering Lombardy.
We expected everything in life except producing a beer… and yet we did it!
Discover the importance of wetlands with K’ Nature and MedWet! Join the Pub Quiz in Naples on February 6th: an evening of environmental education and fun. We are waiting for you!
Happy birthday Kayla Nature, happy birthday to us!
Short report of our birdwatching tours departing from Naples during last September.
Monitoring of the movements of a young Wolf victim of poaching, released and equipped with a radio collar within the PNCVDA.
Results of the monitoring of the Italian Wolf population in the PNCVDA within the “WOLFNExT” project.
Birdwatching along the Tiber river in the center of the italian capital.
On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, our zoologist Valerio Russo together with the SMFVS manager Alessio Usai, will guide participants in a free activity during which the multiple benefits of birdwatching on mental well-being will be explored.
Birdwatching in the Eternal City among the most iconic places of the Italian capital.