Urban birding in Rome: discovering Tiber river birdlife
Birdwatching along the Tiber river in the center of the italian capital.
Birdwatching along the Tiber river in the center of the italian capital.
On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, our zoologist Valerio Russo together with the SMFVS manager Alessio Usai, will guide participants in a free activity during which the multiple benefits of birdwatching on mental well-being will be explored.
Birdwatching in one of Rome’s hotspots, among tree-lined areas and lakes.
Birdwatching in the Eternal City among the most iconic places of the Italian capital.
Report of our last 2-day birding tour departing from Turin.
Report of the latest birdwatching and wildlife photography expedition in one of the wildest areas of Greece.
Dissemination event on the biodiversity of wetlands and on the importance of these environments on a global level.
Last April’s urban birding day trip to the Confluence Park in Turin.
A coot from Poland was observed during our last birding day trip to Litorale Domitio.
Results of the first national monitoring project of the Wolf in the PNCVDA and the new “WOLFNEXT” surveys.