
Uno dei punti di forza di K’ Nature è l’attività di ricerca scientifica portata avanti dai suoi soci, nel campo dell’Erpetologia, della Teriologia e dell’Ornitologia.
Di seguito i link alle pubblicazioni di cui sono stati co-autori:

M. Basile, Luca Francesco Russo, Valerio Giovanni Russo, Andrea Senese, N. Bernardo (2021, April). Birds seen and not seen during the COVID-19 pandemic: The impact of lockdown measures on citizen science bird observations. In Biological Conservation 256(3):109079.

F. Pontieri, Luca Francesco Russo, P. Raja, A. Loy (2023, April). A surprising pattern of Sexual Dimorphism in the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Sweden. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 0.

M. Chiacchio, G. Paudice, Andrea Senese, Valerio Giovanni Russo (2024, January). Good new(t)s: Rapid recolonization of a restored fish-invaded habitat by two newt species in southern Italy. In Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems  10.1002/aqc.4081.

Luca Francesco Russo, A Ferdandez Gonzalez, V. Penteriani , M. Del Mar Delgado, S. Pelazon, A. Loy, M. Di Febbraro (2023, January). The Different Fate of the Pyrenean Desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) and the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) under Climate and Land Use Changes.In Animals. 2023, 13(2),274.

Luca Francesco Russo, C. Meloro, M. De Silvestri, E.A. Chadwick, A. Loy (2022, September). Better sturdy or slender? Eurasian otter skull plasticity in response to feeding ecologyIn PLoS ONE 17(9).

M.V. Mazzamuto, H.J. Su, G. Guidarelli, D. Preatoni, Luca Francesco Russo, A. Loy. A. Martinoli (2021). Mandible morphology as a tool to investigate origin, adaptation and stress in invasive alien species: first insights into Callosciurus erythraeus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Europe. The European Zoological Journal, 88(1), 782-795.

V. Penteriani, W.S. Te, C.L. May, S.Y. Wah, B. Crudge, N. Broadis, G. Bombieri, E. Valderrábano, Luca Francesco Russo, M. Del Mar Delgado (2021, Juanary). Characteristics of sun bear chest marks and their patterns of individual variation. Ursus 2020(31e19), 1-8.

Luca Francesco Russo, A. Loy (2020). Who am I? Testing I3S Contour on the facial mask of the Western polecat (Mustela putorius). Hystrix, 31(1), 83.

Luca Francesco Russo, R. Barrientos, M. Fabrizio, M. Di Febbraro, A. Loy (2020, March). Prioritizing road-kill mitigation areas: A spatially explicit national-scale model for an elusive carnivore. In Diversity and Distributions. 2020;00:1–11.

L. Papaleo, Valerio Giovanni Russo, T. Notomista (2021, September). L’erpetofauna dei Monti Lattari: nuovi dati distributivi. Poster session presented at XIII Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica – Lipari (Italy).

P.J.R. Kok, Valerio Giovanni Russo, S. Ratz, D.B. Means, R.D. MacCulloch, A. Lathrop, F. Aubret, F. Bossuyt (2016, September). Evolution in the South American ‘Lost World’: Insights from multilocus phylogeography of stefanias (Anura, Hemiphractidae, Stefania). In Journal of Biogeography 44(1).

G. Bombieri, M. del Mar Delgado, Luca Francesco Russo, P.J. Garrote, J. Vicente López-Bao, J.M. Fedriani, V. Penteriani (2018, December). Patterns of wild carnivore attacks on humans in urban areas. In Scientific Reports 8(1).

G. Bombieri, J. Naves, V. Penteriani, N.Selva, A. Fernández-Gil, J. Vicente López-Bao, Luca Francesco Russo et. al. (2019, June). Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective. In Scientific Reports 9(1).

E. González-Bernardo, Luca Francesco Russo, E. Valderrábano, Á. Fernández, V. Penteriani (2020). Denning in brown bears. In Ecology and Evolution 00:1-19.

Zarzo-Arias, M. del Mar Delgado, A. Ordiz, J. Díaz García, Luca Francesco Russo et. al. (2018, December). Brown bear behaviour in human-modified landscapes: The case of the endangered Cantabrian population, NW Spain. In Global Ecology and Conservation 16:e00499.

P.J.R. Kok, Valerio Giovanni Russo, S. Ratz, F. Aubret (2016, April). On the distribution and conservation of two “Lost World” tepui summit endemic frogs, Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968 and S. satelles Señaris, Ayarzagüena, and Gorzula, 1997. In Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 10(1):5-12.

V. Penteriani, G. Bombieri, J.M. Fedriani, J. Vicente López-Bao, P.J. Garrote, Luca Francesco Russo, M. del Mar Delgado (2017, January). Humans as prey: Coping with large carnivore attacks using a predator-prey interaction perspective. In Human-Wildlife Interactions 11(2):192-207.

J. Sabino Pinto, C. Mayerl, W.R.M. Meilink, D. Grasso, C.C.B. Raaijmakers, Valerio Giovanni Russo, M. Segal, G. Stegen, J. Clegg, A.N. Srikanthan, F. Glaw, M. Vences (2014, February). Descriptions of the advertisement calls of three sympatric frog species in the subgenus Vatomantis (genus Gephyromantis) from Madagascar. In Herpetology Notes 7:67-73.

Valerio Giovanni Russo, Luca Francesco Russo, L. Coppari, T. Notomista (2018, November). First record of Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) in a cave environment. In Herpetology Notes, volume 11: 967-969.

Fernández González, D. Menendez, S. Munné Prat, J. Fernández López, S. Crespo, A. González-Ibáñez, A. Tamurejo, J.M. Valle Artaza, Luca Francesco Russo, L. Escoda, J. Castresana, D. Fernandez (2019, December). Resultados preliminares del programa de translocación experimental de desmán ibérico (Galemys pyrenaicus) en la ZEC Riberas del Tera (Zamora). Poster session presented at XIV CONGRESO SECEM (Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos) – Jaca (Spain).

J.M. Valle Artaza, A. Fernández González, J. Fernández López, N. Rodríguez-García, S. Munné Prat, D. Menendez, Luca Francesco Russo, D. Fernandez (2019, June). Perfil ecológico y estado demográfico de las poblaciones de desmán ibérico (Galemys pyrenaicus) del sistema Central. Poster session presented at III Congreso ibérico de restauración fluvial RESTAURARÍOS 2019 – Murcia (Spain).

D. De Rosa, L. De Lisio, A. Loy, Andrea Senese, C. Bucci, G. Ceccolini (2015, November). Red Kite in Molise: Monitoring of roosts and estimates of breeding population. Poster session presented at RED KITE II International symposium – Binaced (Spain).

A. Zambardino, Andrea Senese, R. Balestrieri, R. Improta (2019, September). I Caradriformi nella Collezione Ornitologica del Museo Zoologico di Napoli. Poster session presented at XX Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Napoli (Italy).

Luca Francesco Russo, M. Di Febbraro, M. Fabrizio, A. Loy (2017, June). A road risk map for the European polecat (Mustela putorius, Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae) in Italy. Poster session presented at V Conferenza del Centro Studi per le Reti Ecologiche “Road Ecology experiences: research, planning and design for the ecolog-ical sustainability of infrastructures”– Pettorano sul Gizio (Italy).

D. De Rosa, L. De Lisio, Andrea Senese, C. Bucci, A. Loy (2017, September). Il Nibbio reale (Milvus milvus) in Italia: una specie in reale aumento?.Poster session presented at XIX Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Torino (Italy).

Andrea Senese, A. Zambardino, R. Balestrieri, R. Improta (2017, September). Collezione Ornitologica del Museo Zoologico di Napoli: Analisi e catalogazione dei rapaci diurni e notturni. Poster session presented at XIX Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Torino (Italy).

D. De Rosa, M. Walters, S. Pace, G. Capobianco, Andrea Senese, C. Mancuso (2015, September). Progetto Morus in Campania: analisi preliminare dei risultati di cinque anni di monitoraggio (2009-2013). Poster session presented at XVIII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Caramanico Terme (Italy).

D. De Rosa, L. De Lisio, A. Loy, Andrea Senese, C. Bucci, G. Ceccolini (2015, September). Il Nibbio reale (Milvus milvus) in Molise: Analisi dei monitoraggi ai roost e stima della popolazione nidificante. Poster session presented at XVIII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Caramanico Terme (Italy).

D. De Rosa, W. Andreuzzi, M. Di Febbraro, Andrea Senese, A. Galietti, Valerio Giovanni Russo, R. Balestrieri (2013, September).  Distribuzione dei Picidi nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano. Poster session presented at XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia – Trento (Italy).

Valerio Giovanni Russo, N. Maio, A. Acostas Diaz, F. M. Guarino (2013, January).  Check-list of Amphibians in two areas of the Amazonian rainforest near Iquitos (Peru) with different anthropic impact. Poster session presented at IX Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica – Conversano (Italy).